Sunday, October 23, 2016

Windows installed, interior walls mostly up, electrical challenges


The Windows were easy to install and it allowed me to get the interior T&G started.  It's looking like a cabin.  We also finished the storage area beneath the bed with hinged tops.  My old friend and guest from Colorado, Matt, helped sand, shellac and attach the hinged tops to the bed frames.

The electrical caused a bit of a challenge for my neighbor John.  Every time we plugged into shore power, a circuit breaker was thrown.  Apparently there is a common practice to put the two put the neutral and ground in an electrical box together; however, in a sub panel (which is in the gypsy wagon), doing so is not acceptable.  After separating them, all is good.  We are over a big hurdle.  I'm buying the marine battery today.

Lastly, Jack (the numbers guy) came and got all the pieces cut to create a curved facia board (made of cedar) for the front band back of the gypsy wagon.  He is math skills are amazing.  Sadly, many of the cuts varied between 3 and 5 degrees. The creation of a template on a 4x8 sheet of thermo ply was a so very useful.  The job took half the time expected!

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