Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Kitchen Sink and now Plumbing

Last weekend, Jack and I cut the formica counter top, used the router to cut the openings.  It was perfect.  We also built the outside frame for the cabinets allowing me to work on a detailed design that incorporates the 'ledges' above the wheel wells.  I ordered a Rev-a-Shelf two drawer unit and will wait unit it arrives to make any final adjustments to the height of the counter top.

Yesterday, we install the hot water heater, the water inlet, and the kitchen faucet, and went on two runs to the hardware store for parts.  PEX is a wonderful thing. At the end of the day, I am returning the plastic RV kitchen and getting a brass version of the water inlet unit.  Both are leaking.  Buy quality around plumbing otherwise you will ultimately spend more time and money in solving problems poor quality creates. 

John talked me out of permanently installing the water heater to the front of the house and devised a quick release system for all the water hoses that allows the heater to be not connected and still have water to the kitchen sink.